invoice providing中文什么意思

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  1. In the event party a paying expense for party b , in which covered his / her own expense , but only one invoice provided by receiver , so party a is advised to issue a copy of the original invoice to party b upon completion of reimbursement of party a who uses the original invoice
  2. Article 3 “ writing export invoice at a lower price in terms of these measures mea while foreign trade managers are engaged in foreign trade busine , price written on the export invoice made by themselves provided to the importers is lower than the price on the invoice provided during export declaration at the customs
  3. Article 3 “ writing export invoice at a lower price in terms of these measures means while foreign trade managers are engaged in foreign trade business , price written on the export invoice made by themselves provided to the importers is lower than the price on the invoice provided during export declaration at the customs


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